Wednesday 13 March 2019

Busy week!!!

 This week was busy, Mr M managed to catch up with some science work ,and its up to date now!!!
Read about the kingdoms of life this week. 

DNA extracting DNA from a banana experiment, it was sooo cool.
Attemp 1 

Failed no DNA
Attemp 2 , worked!!!!

Used more banana ,and more alcohol, the 2 layers of the DNA extracting solution and alcohol are clearly visible ,and then Voila, the alcohol made the DNA go from liquid to solid .
Mr M loved this experiment,and he found a way to make it work the second time by researching on line ,and finding out what went wrong ,etc
Weaving a Basket
Creative arts was fun this week , we made a basket from recycled newspaper,made the paper tubes,
coloured them green and blue and weaved the basket,
 the boys were interested in the making of the newspaper tubes and painting them,
 but no interest in the weaving which
Mrs S got the hang of it pretty quickly and was happy to finish the job.

Fun sport time

 Our second week of cousins meet up
The kids looked forward to it all week and we made pizza, collected some more lettuce to make salad, and everyone had a go at making pizza,and were so exciting to eat them, while talking about what they chose to put n their pizzas and why, and why they put more or less of each ingredient according to taste ,or they all had different reasons for their choices ,it was so cute to listen to their discussion ,and were so proud of themselves.

Cousins weekly meet up is becoming a thing!!!
And I'm loving it.

Week 5

                                        Half way through the term, is going so fast !!!!

Alhamdullillah  Mr M started Basketball this week and he is really enjoying it, 
he has improved so much and he was able to be resilient and keep playing when he was hit by accident . 
So yeah, nice to see.


 Mr Ibby made some pretty cool connections ,found a Fennec fox toy and a drawing he did before.

Some neat work going on, Mr Ibby decided to give writing neatly a go.

Our Garden
We were able to pick some lettuce this week and first capsicum is showing :)

Sunday 24 February 2019

Fourth week getting the hang of it !!!!

We had an awesome week Alhamdullillah , 

started the week with a mindfulness and craft session with the homeschooling group.

We were able to meet new friends and get to know the friends we made at the first park day we had on week 2.

 Enjoyed lunch and play time afterwards and went to the library,we spent all day out and had a great start of the week. 

Cat's eyes demonstration

This week on science we are learning about mammals, lions and elephants.

Colouring the family tree for the Prophets mentioned in the Qur'an.

We did the craft we chose for the habitat's week, The northern lights in the Arctic.

On the weekend after Gymnastics and we got to spend time with our cousin Mera,
  borrow books from the library, read and  play some games. 

Wednesday 13 February 2019

And we are homeschooling !!!!

Week 3 of home-school, and we have survived !!!
We have been trying out our schedule and new Routine, which is slowly starting to take shape, not 100% there but we are taking our time.

Lots of learning happening, and definitely some high and low moments, but every time the kids are asked what they prefer they answer,homeschooling, Alhamdullillah.

English and Math can be done in the dining table and Mr S  joins them with his books and felt board.
Rainforest Diorama Mr I and Mrs S teamwork
Desert Diorama Mr M's work :)
Keeping busy with dinosaurs
Camouflage experiment .
For our second week of science "Habitats"

Monday 19 December 2011

First week of Homeschooling

Assalam Alaikum wa rahmatullah : Last week I started with the preschool curriculum for my son,which is nearly 4 years old,and also started toddler activities for my 2 year old daughter.
My 10 year old started his holidays,so he is going to be home-schooled as preparation for year 6,and also in Islamic studies,inshallah.
I have to say it was a challenging week and I learned a lot, about my children,about teaching them,and also enjoyed looking at them engaging in learning,subhanallah ,it truly is a blessing,and alhamdullillah ,I made this decision that brings so much joy, and gives my time a purpose.I feel I'm doing something good with my time and not longer feel guilty for wasting it,alhamdullillah.
My son is picking up information like a sponge, and the best of all,understands who Allah is ,and can answer a lot of questions, subhanallah,only after one week.